Nov 26, 2024
In this episode, Darren Petty joins us once again. He is settling in after his long journey to Sweden and back. Darren and I had talked about this trip a few times while he was planning it and I told him I definitely wanted to hear about it. Darren went over and stayed with former Tree Talkin Time guest Erik Rohdin....
Nov 19, 2024
In this week's episode I am joined by Tim Barry. Tim is a bobcat and bear hunter from Maine. I have heard of Tim from several people and decided I needed to talk to him about his hunting and his line of dogs. I learned as will you that Tim is a student and constantly learning about his hounds, and the quarry...
Nov 12, 2024
In this week's episode I am joined by Corey Gruver. Corey is a member of a top notch coon hunter's club here in Pennsylvania and a former employee of UKC. Corey has helped organize and run some of the largest events in the country and that experience has translated to increased turnout at his local club. We dive...
Nov 5, 2024
In this week's episode I am joined by John Saunders Sr. I met John at Autumn Oaks this past year and knew quickly into our conversation I wanted to have him on the podcast. He is a wealth of knowledge and stories but what would you expect after 50 years. John's son was on episode 58 and we talk a lot more about...