Dec 26, 2023
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Tree Talkin' Time! This week is a few of my favorite stories told throughout the year. I hope everyone has a safe holiday season and I will see you all next year with more great podcasts!
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Dec 19, 2023
In this week's episode Dan Pearce is back to talk about his epic trip across the country to try and acheive a Squirrel Grand Slam. I had never heard of a squirrel grand slam before seeing a recent post by Dan. So we started by covering that and then he gets into how him and his buddy Jeff set out across the country. If...
Dec 12, 2023
In this week's episode I am joined by Erik Rohdin and Alex Kurashev to talk about some exciting Laika hunts. Alex and Erik are both returning guests. Erik came over from Sweden to hunt with Alex and his West Siberian Laikas. I was fortunate to go along one morning as well. We cover Alex's Laika's as well as the...
Dec 5, 2023
In this week's episode, I am joined by Andrew Ware. Andrew runs deer, bear, rabbits, and coon with dogs in Virginia. He has a long family history of running bear hounds and while it is the newest of his pursuits he lives for it. Andrew talks about running deer with bird dogs and bird dog crosses and their advantages. He...