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Tree Talkin' Time

Dec 27, 2022

In this episode I have my son Charlie on to talk about his hunting experiences and his love of our hounds. It's a short episode and I added some highlights from past episodes onto the end.

Dec 20, 2022

Earl Reynolds has been hunting with dogs throughout his whole life but has been heavily involved with Mountain Feist for the last 15 years. He shares some about his dogs, their accomplishments. Earl's not one to brag about his dogs and I had to pry a little for him to open up about them. 

Dec 13, 2022

In this weeks episode I went and sat down with local Legend Rocky Dillow. Rocky has had hounds and coonhunted forover 60 years. We talk about a few memorable dogs and how he got started with blueticks. We also talked about his career as a cowboy for the King Ranch right here in Chester County, PA. If thats not enough we...

Dec 6, 2022

In this episode I am joined by my friend Jared Harrelson as we talk about his life following various hounds and tree dogs. He wanted to talk and suggests a few people as guest for the podcast but I surprised him with being this weeks guest. Jared has has bounced around through the years and has a wide range...