Jan 25, 2022
Clayton Stark and I sit down and have a conversation about hounds, curs, cameras, and YouTube. This was the second episode of mine to air on the Hound Podcast and if you missed it hope you enjoy it. This will be the last of the Hound Podcast episodes for a while, so get ready for all-new episodes.
Jan 18, 2022
In this weeks episode of Tree Talkin' Time I sit down with Alex Kurashev to talk about his pair of Laika's. Alex gives us a look into this primitive breed from his native country of Russia. He talks about his successful season and how these dogs differ from the average hound.
Jan 11, 2022
Southern California is known for a lot of things, hunting is not one of them especially with hounds. Blaine Jackson of SoCal Outfitters sits down with me to talk about his hounds and how he got started.
Jan 4, 2022
In the first episode of Tree Talkin' Time on its own feed I want to introduce you all to Uncle Wayne. He is a 74-year-old bear hunter that was born and raised into pursuing bears with hounds. We talk about what bear hunting was like when he was a child, and how the dogs and ways we hunt today have changed since he got...
Jan 1, 2022